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Main Cast Reviews  Samuel L. Jackson, Michael Keaton, Maggie Q Categories  Action | Crime Release Date  23rd Apr 2021 N/A


This movie describes how a hacker and her partners in crime accidentally steal millions from a crime boss. They must train for their confrontation with the boss. The super cast includes: Samuel L. Jackson as Moody, Michael Keaton as Rembrandt, Maggie Q as Anna, Robert Patrick as Billy Boy, Patrick Malahide as Vohl, Lili Rich as DOLL'S Friend, Madalina Anea as Jane, Ori Pfeffer as Joe Athens, Jack Derges as Randy, Florin Piersic Jr. as RAM, Caroline Loncq as Claudia, Gamba Cole as Benny, Phong Giang as Chu, Velizar Binev as Don Preda and Cosmin Dominte as Anton.

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